Gold Ring in a Pig's Snout

 "Prepare now for the solutions of tomorrow"

- Congolese Proverb

Sylvia woke up one morning and was shocked to find out that Gold Rings her husband was gone. He wasn't missing or found dead, he simply moved out of their home with no explanation as to his whereabouts.

He took away all of his belongings but the only thing he left behind was a letter telling her that he had never been happy in the marriage so he was on a journey to find happiness.

Prior to this time, everything seemed rosy; she was married to the best man in the world any lady could ever wish for. She had three beautiful children and her husband worked as a manager in one of the leading banks in the country. They lived in the choicest part of town and she had everything she could ever wish for until that morning when her world came crashing down on her.

There were no clues that her husband was unhappy. There were no signs to warn her of this impending danger for which she might have 22ct gold rings taken adequate action. She was devastated, helpless and in confusion on what to do.

What was more paramount on her mind was how she would cater for three children all by herself. She had no job, infact, she had never worked ever since she got married to her husband. Her husband was one of those men who shared the opinion that women shouldn't be allowed to work but to manage the domestic affairs of the family.

She had little money which she had saved up from the money given to her from time to time for the general up keep of the home, even that couldn't sustain her and her children for a long time.

Suddenly, she fell ill and was unable to eat for a week. Some relatives tried their best to find her husband but to no avail. She hoped, prayed and begged  gold wedding rings that her husband returns to her. She wished and willed in her heart that it was all a nightmare, hoping she would wake up from very soon. But it clearly wasn't.

As time went by, reality dawned on her that her husband wasn't coming back so she needed to rise to the occasion before things went really bad for all of them.

She gradually picked up courage in the midst of her brokenness and started selling off some valuable items, which she had. She sold off her expensive jewelries and clothes, her children's clothes, toys and some furniture.

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